The very first task the teams have been working on was based on the text "The Smell of Apples" by Philippe Delerm (excerpt of his book "The Small Pleasures of Life"). Each team had the liberty to approach the topic in the way they wanted. Results of this task can be found under each country´s file.


Below you can find Philippe Delerm´s text in different languages as document and partly recorded for listening comprehension exercises.



The Smell of Apples
Text in English
The Smell of Apples-text.doc
Microsoft Word Dokument 30.5 KB
The Smell of Apples
read by Suzanne Hoffmann
The smell of apples - Philippe
MP3 Audio Datei 3.6 MB
Der Duft der Äpfel
Text in German
Der Duft der Äpfel - text - DE.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 91.2 KB
Der Duft der Äpfel
gelesen von Sascha Dierl
Der Duft der Äpfel.mp3
MP3 Audio Datei 2.2 MB

L´odeur des pommes en français
Text in French
L´odeur des pommes - texte - en francais
Microsoft Word Dokument 656.0 KB
L´odeur des pommes
Lectrice: Hélène Sajons-Gilman
L´odeur des pommes 2.wav
Wave Audio Datei 1.6 MB
O cheiro de maçãs
Text in Portuguese
O cheiro de maçãs, portuguese version fr
Microsoft Word Dokument 655.5 KB
O Cheiro de Maçãs
Read in Portuguese by Celia de Paula Souza Dierl
O Cheiro de Maçãs - Portuguese.mp3
MP3 Audio Datei 2.7 MB

Il profumo delle mele
Text in Italian
Smell of Apples in Italian.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 37.6 KB
Аромат на ябълки
Text in Bulgarian
The smell of apples - Аромат на ябълки -
Microsoft Word Dokument 620.0 KB
Text in Lithuanian
The smell of apples in Lithuanian.doc
Microsoft Word Dokument 626.5 KB
Lukta av eple
Text in Norwegian
LUKTA AV EPLE. Norwegian pdf.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 44.7 KB

Zapach jabłek
Text in Polish
The smell of apples - text.doc
Microsoft Word Dokument 24.5 KB

This project was funded with support from the European Commission. The content reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
European Commission
European Commission


Coordinationg Institution

Volkshochschule Olching e.V.

Adobe Acrobat Dokument 70.8 KB