Deinde sp. z o.o.
ul. Cyprysowa 21/18
20-224  Lublin


Responsible: Ewelina Szafraniec


Deinde (DinD) is a private limited liability company established on the basis of long-term experience and knowledge of people specialized in non-school forms of education and implementation of projects in the field of education and counseling. Staff of Deinde Ltd. took part in the implementation of five projects financed by the ESF in the framework of OP HC and took part in international activities under the EC-Leonardo da Vinci and Grundtvig Programmes. Partners of Deinde participated in the implementation of over 30 projects in five Polish regions on the total amount of several million zlotys. Deinde conducts extracurricular educational activities directed at adults and is registered in the Register of Training Institutions run by the Regional Labour Office in Lublin (No 2.06/00057/2010). Furthermore, the organization takes care of logistical organization of educational services for other entities in Lublin region (training rooms, coffee breaks etc.) and provides educational services also for social economy entities (currently, a series of training courses for legal and civil law advisers in the field of organizing and conducting counseling services). Deinde offers also training courses in finance, marketing, sales, computer literacy and others.
Deinde is located in disadvantaged area (rural area, one of the poorest regions in EU). We believe that our personnel's and voluntary's experience in national and international field will ensure the fruitful cooperation and proper implementation of the project.

This project was funded with support from the European Commission. The content reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
European Commission
European Commission


Coordinationg Institution

Volkshochschule Olching e.V.

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